Sunday, May 3, 2020

AP Physics Lab Questions free essay sample

Your first lab link, about divas and superstars, can be found at PBS. Org. 1. Who sang at the Grammas in Spanish in the late sass? What was the reaction? The singer for the late 1 sass Grammas in Spanish was Risky Martin. The reaction was wild, everyone enjoyed the song that was sung, and they Just started to go crazy. 2. When did Latin music burst back on the scene? What song brought it back to the mainstream? What effect did it have?Latin music pursued back on the scene In 15 before Risky Martin. The song that brought It back to the mainstream was the song Conga. Its effect was that It never stopped and It kept going, It gave a dancing energy to everyone that heard It. 3. How did the sounds of salsa change? The sounds of salsa changed by milling salsa with RB and rock n roll, and toning down the beat to the salsa songs. We will write a custom essay sample on AP Physics: Lab Questions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 4. What was the Influence of CBS Latin dolls on the explosion of Latin music In the US?The Influence of CBS Latin dolls on the explosion of Latin music In the US Is that the televised ceremonies dropped the English songs and moved to Infusion in the years later, and making songs in Spanish. 5. Who were some of the artists who brought together Latin influenced music with mainstream pop music? Some of the artists who brought together Latin influenced music with mainstream pop music were Jennifer Lopes, Shakier, and Marc Anthony. . Why did the Latin music influence decrease? The Latin music influence decreased by fading away but the artists didnt stop making their top hit songs during the ways.

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